Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's Not My Fault!

Before I did anything really subtancial work-wise, I wrote a small tribute on Facebook to my old cat Dandylion. That feisty, firebrand of a cat sure made my life more interesting and entertainig! Dandy would have been 24 years old today.

I miss you, Dandylion!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEvvaQJlfzU )

I did a few of the things on my "To Do" list today, (and some that weren't) but I still have so much to finish up!

It's not my fault, though!  I kept getting phone calls and texts from people.  And then, when I did start to get into doing some work Rascal/Hershey would get on top of my laptop and vie for my attention. (How could I resist theit furry cuteness?!)

And then, my internet went out too! Bloody hell!

Oh well .... Tomorrow is another day!

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