Friday, October 31, 2014

A Virtual Shrug

Waaaaaaaay before Halloween (sometime in September, I suppose), I purchased two costumes.  One was a Cleopatra outfit and the other one was a midaeval queen outfit.  Why did I buy two costumes?  Well, year after year, I rarely see any costumes I like.  They're usually very cheaply made, not my size, or too expensive.   So, when I saw two I actually liked, I grabbed them, thinking I'd wear at least one of them today.

Cafe California is having a special Halloween costume dinner party today.   Somebody is going to read tarot cards too.  And, outside on Church St. is a street party. 

I wanted to go and enjoy all of the festivities, but it just didn't happen.  Bad planning on my part.  Who knew that other people have actual lives?

Oh well, I'll watch a scary movie with Maddie, eat mini Mars bars, and drink rye and Coke.  That'll be fun too!

Happy Halloween, everybody!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I Was Right

I was right.  It was a long day!  I'm exhausted now, too.  Last night, I kept suddenly jerking awake with all kinds of worries about today's events.  The worries kept me awake, spearing my brain with many doubts and different scenarios.

(Why oh why did I have to have both parents who were "worry-warts"? I was bound to inherit that tendency!)

All in all, my worries were for naught. Sure, I was a bit late for the meeting because I'd gotten the time wrong (eek!) but when I did get there everything went smoothly.  Bruce and I met with the woman from Nesbit-Burns, dicussed our options, and signed papers.

Next week, if everything goes according to plan, Bruce and I will finally get the rest of our inheretance.

Now all I have to do is worry about how to manage the money so it will last for a few years!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Long Day

It's been a long day, as counselling days usually are ... or seem to be.  They, after all, the same 24 hours as other days.

A lot has been packed into this day: thoughts, feelings, realizations, work, play, and making arrangements for tomorrow.

Tomorrow should be a really long day ....

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bad Dream and New Hair Colour

I think I was more upset over the results of the GTA mayoral race than I had imagined.  This morning, I awoke from a bad dream where I was a member of the Ford family.  (It gets worse!)  I can't remember what led up to this event in the dream, but I found myself being wheeled by Doug Ford into a public washroom, where he proceeded to pee all over me!  And, all I could think was: Ok, ok, I can deal with this humiliation until I can find a way to escape ....

Maybe it was because of this dream or because of the gloomy weather, but, whatever it was, I decided to become a redhead.

 I love it!  I feel like a new person!

Sure, Olivia Chow didn't become mayor, which is too bad, but at least I'm not being peed upon by any of the Ford family ....

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Quiet but Busy Day

It has been a dull, quiet day.  And yet, I knuckled down and got a whole lot of stuff done!  My aches and pains have subsided since my hospital stay on Thursday, so I've been trying to catch up on work (and eating/drinking/sleeping) I couldn't do while I was waiting for a doctor to shove a scope down my gullet.

I could list everything I've done today - but I'm on a roll!

Write to you tomorrow ....

Saturday, October 25, 2014

One More Time

I'm going to say this one more time (although,  unfortunately, probably not for the last time) - why do some people treat me as though they think I'm a brainless twit when it is quite obvious that it is they who are without brains or common sense?!

To whom am I referring this time? I'm speaking of one of the pharmacists at Shoppers Drug Mart. Dobrila and I went there to pick up the prescription that the doctor at the hospital had given me for the pain in my esophagus. I had never seen this pharmacist before, and right away she got my back up because she kept talking to Dobrila and not to me. Dobrila told the woman repeatedly not to speak to her but to talk to me directly. She kind of understood, but not really. She kept saying things to Dobrila like, "maybe you should read the instructions to her" and "she should have somebody with her to make sure she takes it."

Getting a prescription is like rolling the dice for me. I never know if I'm going to get someone who understands I am a human being with a mind of my own or a shmuck who humiliates me. It is the same way when I go to the hospital. Some doctors and nurses get me and some don't.

I just don't get it! I know I have said this in other posts, but I just don't get it! Sure, the general public might not be exposed to somebody like me so I have a bit of understanding for them, but for nurses and doctors and pharmacists who see and interact wide variety of people everyday (including people with disabilities) how can they treat me in such a disrespectful way?

Somebody please explain it to me.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sore and Dozey

I'm sorry, but I've been terribly sore and achey from my hospital stay. And now, after taking several painkillers, I'm extremely dozey.

Tomorrow, when (hopefully) I'm clear-headed and less sore, I'll write more ....

Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Day at the Hospital

A Day at the Hospital.  It sounds like a Marx Brothers' movie.  I wish it had been A Day at the Races or A Day at the Opera.  That would have been much more fun!

It was my same old problem.  Food (this time it was a piece of steak) got lodged in my throat and wouldn't move.  They had to knock me out and push the stubborn little bugger down into my gut.

I won't elaborate because I'm exhausted after spending nine hours at the hospital.  However, here are some pictures of my day.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Straightening Things Out ... Again

Somebody heard  and turned the sun back on.  Thank you!!!!!!!!!

I was so energetic it was ridiculous. I got all my employees cheques done and put with the say stubs, I answered a bunch of emails, had Dobrilla photograph some of my work to put on Etsy, and I even painted for a while. (Hopefully, Hank will get finished tomorrow!)

Unfortunately, late in the day I got an email that needs to be dealt with ASAP, so that's all for now!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Life of a Cat

I went into my bedroom this morning and saw Rascal sleeping (and snoring) soundly on my pillow.

I envied him.  Seriously, I envied him so much!  It's yet another dull, dreary, rainy day.  I wanted and needed to do so many things today, and yet the weather was sapping my energy.  Yes, I painted and replied to emails, and yet, I kept finding myself dozing off throughout the day. God, how I wanted to climb in beside Rascal and sleep the day away!

Rain, rain, go away! Come again NEVER!!!!! (Okay, maybe in a month or two ...)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

New Sweater Dress!

I wore this new sweater for many reasons.

  1. It's new and I wanted to see if it looked good on me.  It does!
  2. Motria said that she was going to come over this evening and tell me all about her date. So, I    wanted to look respectable.
  3. I wanted so badly to paint today, but I have work to do that must be done ASAP!  It's unthinkable to get paint on a cool dress like this ...
Tomorrow, if everything goes to plan, I'll be back in my artsy-fartsy clothes and painting up a storm!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Fall Day at the Market

Although people kept coming up to me and telling me things like It sure is cold out there; or, Winter's coming!; or, You'd better bundle up when you go home!  -  I thought were all nuts!  To and from the market today, I enjoyed the crisp cooler weather.  It wasn't cold - it was cool.

Like me.

Although I only made $28.00 today, I'm in a far happier mood than I've been in days!  The reason for this is that I had a long text chat with my friend and I think we got some things straightened out.

It would have broken my heart if we had stayed mad at each other forever ....

Oh, yeah, and I chatted up a hot guy named Patrick from P.E.I.   That was pretty cool, too.

Friday, October 17, 2014

In a Bad Way

The afternoon was pretty good, and very busy.

This evening, though, I'm back to feeling sad; hurt; and, yes, angry.

Funny thing is, I am positive one of  my very best friends feels exactly the same way.

To quote Shakespeare:  "Oh what fools these mortals be!"

Especially when Mercury Retrograde rears its ugly, ugly head.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Much Better Day

Finally!  A smooth and productive day.   I answered emails, updated my employees' schedule and my finances, as well as buying a new type of cat food (Hershey's thyroid problem has worsened just a tad and this new food will help him) and setting up my new microwave.

There's still stuff that is bothering me, but I've shoved it to the very back of my mind .... Can it ever be solved?  That's the $1,000,000,000 question.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Last Day of Silence

Sorry.  Another bad day.  Actually, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad day!

I'll break my silence tomorrow ....

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Need to Chill Out

Another rough day.  I'm going to eat pizza, take Lorazepam, and go to bed.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


Thanksgiving has rolled around again, and although I'm not big on this particular holiday because it symbolizes the evils of colonization I do think that we, as one of the most affluent countries in the world, should recogize and give voice to just how damned lucky (and spoiled) we are.

(The word entitled springs to mind ....)

But it wasn't my intent to turn this blog post into some deep philosophical essay about the wildly unballanced social and economic ways of our country and that of then entire world. 

(I'll tackle those issues in another post.)

No, I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for ...

People at the market who praise and purchase my artwork, and who sometimes surprise me with flowers and chocolates.

Duct tape - and my cool, great, fantastic, brilliant friends who enable and encourage my philosophy that duct tape can fix almost anythinng!

 Thanks, guys!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Brilliant Day but...

I'm in so much PAIN!!!!!!!

My good news will have to keep until tomorrow ....

Friday, October 10, 2014

Finally Back to Painting!

I know, I know, I should be replying to email and doing administrative work (yuck!) but the very core of my being is crying out:  "PAINT!!! Paint, Anne Kathryn Abbott, and let your creative juices flow freely from every sweaty pore; pulsing brain cell; blood-filled vein; sprouting hair folicle, and all available orifices! Paint, goddamn you!  Paint like you've never painted before!"

I will.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

You Know You''re EXTREMELY Busy When ...

... you go to your ultrasound a week early!

Yup, that's what I did.  I was so good, too, not allowing myself to eat anything past midnight.  Sheesh! I didn't even eat breakfast, I just zoomed over to the ultrasound clinic.

Even though I was starving after I left the clinic, I went to get a form that I had asked the people at The Printing House to print out for me (I really should buy my own printer!) and took it to my doctor's office so I could ask her to sign it.  Unfortunately, my doctor wasn't there, and the receptionist who was there was acting like it was such a big deal/responsibility for me to leave the form with her to give to the doctor.  The receptionist relented when I explained to her that I had arranged with the doctor that I'd "pop over" with the phone and leave it with her to sign.

I had breakfast at Cora's, which was, unfortunately, disappointing.  However. I had a snack at Starbucks - that wasn't disappointing at all!

Now that I'm home, I'm going to - among other things - write a reply to the vet.  I have to decide whethet to put Hershey on a higher dose of medicine, which could potentially damage his liver, or, start giving him a different type of food which would also regulate his thyroid.

Food, of course! Simple.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Cat Day Afternoon

Poor Hershey had to go the vet today.  It was just a check-up, but I still felt sorry for the poor little thing.  First, he was suddenly stuffed into a pet carrier bag, taken on a bumpy ride via my wheelchair, got poked and prodded.  Not only that, but blood was taken and a thermometer was inserted into his butt.

Such terrible indignities for the Prince of Russia!  Maddie calls him Prince Hershel, and makes him do the traditional Russian dance by rubbing a certain spot on belly that make his hind legs go crazy.

It was certainly a cat day afternoon today, but, for me, it's been a medical appointment week.  Monday I saw my doctor, today I took Hershey to the vet, and tomorrow I have to go for an ultrasoumd on my stomach.

All in all, I'd rather be painting ....

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Jeff Bierk Stream of Consciousness Guest Blog

so i'm sittin here smoking a belmont mild cuz i'm trying new shittier smokes to help me quit less and also i have an app to help me quit smoking and i'm looking across the room at the esteemed artist anne k abbott and i'm thinking of how beautiful her paintings are and i see a reflection in the window that's catching my eye.  i'm very tired.

tonight was the art with heart auction and i had a photograph in it and it's the same photograph anne has on her shelf so it's kinda cool to be sitting here now.

monkey in the middle tylenol and scribble the tooth fairy stole my last one the other night monkey pie and monkey stew i'd make a monkey out of you if only my eyes reflected light like that sweet sweet mirror in the morning light  monkey talk just like a bean, burried in a macaroni dream. salad and smoke and cans of coke......

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Run Around Monday

Ok, now I'm pooped.  I think my energy level has finally taken a dramatic dip this eveniing.

And yet, I feel a sense of accomplishment too.  My landlord was contacted about the clogged kitchen sink; a plumber should be coming to fix it tomorow. 

The visit to see my doctor was both good and bad. The pain in my groin hadn't been hurting very much until I had to get on and off of the ridiculously narrow table. Not only that, but I kept being poked and prodded.

(Of course I'm a lot of pain now!)

I was then sent to have a blood test and book an appointment for another ultrasound scan.

After all of that, I went on my own way and picked up my prescriptions (and other things) at the Drug Mart.  And then, I bought important stuff at Loblaws, Joe Fresh, and the LCBO.

Now, weary as I am from my busy Monday, I'm going to sit back and watch some of season 8 of Dr. Who.

Maybe I'll write an email or two as well ....

Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Very Productive Sunday

I had three hours of sleep on Friday night and three last night.  I should be dead tired, but I guess I've been on a roll,  keeping busy all day long.

Emails were written, the payroll was completed, laundry was done, and I designed and ordered so many different types of new merchandise it makes my head spin.

While my energy is up, maybe I'll update my finances, or start working on a new website ...

Or, perhaps write a novel; run a marathon; learn how to drum; go skydiving; dye my hair pink with purple polka-dots ...!

I have so much energy!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

A Slow but Profitable Day

It wasn't a bad day.

It wasn't a bad day at all!

I sold lots of note cards, note books, and a painting to a cute guy.  He told me he's an art teacher.


Friday, October 3, 2014

On This Rainy Day

On this rainy day, my boys may be extra sleepy ...

but I'm filled with hope, laughter, and lots and lots of ideas!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

One of Those Days

It's been one of those days.  You know, not bad but not sensational either.

I had an interesting meeting this afternoon, though, with a lawyer and my financial advisor.  I keep mulling the information they gave me, round and round in my head.  I'm still thinking about it all, trying to decide what to do ....

I'll think about it later.  I have work to do!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Internal Struggle of Anne K Abbott

This was Counseling Wednesday, and it wasn't too gut-wrenching this time.  I cried some but not a lot.

I started out by talking about my recent dream, where I was super excited that my mother was going to visit me and that I'd tell her about all of the changes in my life.

To me, I surmised to my counselor, my dream was telling me (as if I didn't know already!) that I was really missing Mom and having our mother/daughter interactions.  And, my mother would always symbolize to me love; security; warmth; understanding.

Part of me yearns for the past, where I had few worries or anxieties.  Most decisions were made for me; rarely, if ever, was I consulted where matters of my own life were concerned.

A bigger part of me, though, revels in my independence; I've had to fight to get it and to keep it.  And, yes, sometimes I get tired of all of the responsibility that rests upon my shoulders, but, on the other hand, I feel proud of everything I accomplish.

Of course, that brings up other things that I struggle with internally.  I feel proud of myself for everything I juggle each day, and yet I berate myself for not doing enough.

Part of me wants to move forward and do things and go to places I used to with Mom and Rob.   I want to go back to Britain, stroll along Harbour Front, and have fun at the C.N.E. - but my grief is like an anchor that holds me back!

And yet, I have confidence that my internal struggles will sort themselves out one day ...