Thursday, July 27, 2017

My Trip to England in Photos

From July 17th to July 25th, I went on a journey to and from London, England with five of my friends. These are the photos we took on that trip.

In my next blog post I'll give a more detailed account with actual words.

Me at airport, going to London, England.

Snacking before flight.
Fake Flower in Flat

Tower of London Burger

Sitting in Soho Square, just like I did nine years ago ....

Sitting with Charles II in Soho Square, just like I did nine years ago ....
I love this bench and the song ... they bring back such bittersweet memories of nine years ago ...

Me at the Tate

I wonder if my friend Leon knows about this place. The food's yummy!
Pondering the past existence of Anne Boleyn.

Cool new shoes from Irregular Choice.

Cool new outfit!

Selling my art at the PARALLAX Art Fair. #1

Selling my art at the PARALLAX Art Fair. #2
One of my customers.
My dear friend Roger.

Inflatable wig!

Cool wigs from Tiger!

Beautiful rainbow!

Steak, Yorkshire Pudding, and Guiness

Outside of Paul McCartney's home/studio.

View from London Eye.

Morning preparing to go back to Toronto.

Back at Toronto airport.
I love my friends!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

A Better Day

After a long flight and a rather frustrating day yesterday, which included a dispute with the manager of the flat, things look better this morning.

I'm in England! Bloody hell, it's going to be brilliant!


Saturday, July 1, 2017

I Feel Like I Need to Say Something

I feel like I need to say something because I'm very upset.

On June 22nd George Heckman shot and killed his disabled son Grant and then pulled the trigger on himself.  Friends of the family and the media are saying that the father committed this horrendous action "out of love".


It's the Robert Latimer case all over again.  Back in the 90's Mr Latimer killed his disabled daughter Tracy by putting her in his truck and letting the carbon monoxide slowly put her into an endless sleep.  I know this case backwards and forwards because I researched it for a speech I was asked to give at the Humanist Association of Toronto.

Latimer claimed that Tracy was in constant pain, but in every photo that was shown in the newspapers she was always smiling and seemed truly joyful.  Latimer said that the lack of support for his disabled daughter weighed heavily upon his family... except for the fact that Tracy had been recently placed in a government funded home for people with disabilities.

 Certainly there should be more government funding and community support for families who have children with disabilities.  That goes without saying!  However, families should be advocating for their children by seeing them as valuable and precious human beings - not as burdens to be disposed! Fight for more assistance, more funding, more medical care.  Speak up and ram down society's throat this radical idea that your child has value and is worthwhile despite having a disability!