Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I Wanted to Paint, but

I wanted to paint today, but it just wasn't in the cards.

Anita came early in the morning to give me my osteopath treatment. That was nice, except Rascal tried to get in on it too! He probably thought "If you're patting Anne, then you can pat me too! I'm much cuter and furrier than her!" He did finally settle down with his head in my armpit. Crazy cat!

Well, anyway, the treatment was nice and soothing and I even fell asleep for a while. I was all nice and mellow until I got up and saw a bunch of texts about somebody not being able to come in for their shift because they were stranded in Cambridge. Immediately, my stess level rose until the problem was solved. And then I got some emails which stressed me out again. One was asking me to give a speech on the 17th about the attack on ODSP. I love making speeches on topics I am passionate about but in the back of my mind I thought when will I have time to write?

I met Kelly at 5pm at the Drug Mart to pick up persciptions and Halloween costumes and chocolate. You know, important things like that! After that we had a snack at Starbucks and then did some grocery shopping at Loblaws.

I really wanted to paint today but I'm tired, especially since I was woken up by the firealarm at 3am last night. There were firetrucks too that were very loud. Simone came into my room and asked me if she should carry me out of the building and, very groggily, I said no no no its probably just burnt toast. In the back of my mind I thought maybe if there is a fire a sexy fireman will carry me out! (I'm sorry, Simone, but I need to find thrills any way I can!)

Maybe tomorrow I'll paint but it looks like a pretty busy day too. I'm getting my eyes checked because I need new glasses. I'd love a clone, but honestly, she'd probably be as busy as I am!    

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