Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas is TERRIFYING!

The morning was work, work, work for me.  I did the payroll and uploaded it to my bookkeeper.  I edited some card designs and ordered more merchandise.  (Saturday is the last chance for me to sell my Christmas stock.)  And, I had my laundry and floors washed.  Plus, I booked a trip with Wheel Trans to go visit my Aunt Joyce on Sunday.

In the evening, Motria and Laura came over for dinner.  We ate macaroni and cheese and salad; drank white wine; and watched funny/cute animals on YouTube.  All in all, it was a fun evening. I hadn't seen either Motria or Laura in ages! 

I always want to take pictures whenever they come over.  Motria and Laura weren't thrilled about having their pictures taken this time, though, but they came around when it was decided that we should fake being scared - scared of Christmas!

With Christmas being only eleven days away and so much still to do, it is a scary thought ....

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