Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Henry the Eighth Asked to Be My Escort on Sunday!

About seven years ago, my dear friends Catherine and Leon brought this adorable Henry VIII hand puppet back from Britain for me.  They knew I loved two things:  Britain and Henry VIII.

Actually, I've also been fascinated by other British kings and queens who ruled throughout history.  It all stems from my mother telling me about historical facts while I was growing up.  She talked with such passion that it sparked curiosity in me, and I read dozens upon dozens of  books on the subject because of this.

As I may have mentioned, recently I've been rather depressed and extremely stressed out.  To combat this, I decided to do something really outlandish for my upcoming birthday.  I inquired about booking the Royal Suite at the Royal York Hotel for one night, and I was told by one of the hotel's employees that it might be a possibility.  Unfortunately, I received an email today saying that the suite wasn't available for the date that I'd asked for. (I was kind of taken aback by this because, who, besides me and the Royal Family, would want to book that particular suite?)

However, I booked another suite in the Royal York for Sunday, and I've invited a few friends to come over to celebrate with me.  It should be fun!

And, Henry VIII can still be my escort!