Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Brilliant Saturday!


The Market wasn’t very busy yesterday. I only made $31.00. And yet, it was a beautiful and sunny day  and I still enjoyed myself. 

At the end of the day, a woman came up to me and asked me if I could do two paintings for her. One would be a painting of her daughter (who was with her) and herself. And the other one would be her pet dog, who had just passed away. I automatically agreed to do the two portraits, of course. The woman started to cry and I comforted her by giving her a hug. I love trying to help people whenever I can. I know how terrible loss can be. 

After the Market I picked up some cat food and then I went to Rexall and got myself some chocolate on sale. 

When I got home, much to my surprise and delight, my friend Alana dropped by with her 6 month old baby. It it was a short visit, but it made me very happy! 

All in all, it was a brilliant Saturday!

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